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- Brachypelma auratum – CB - Mexican Flame Knee
Brachypelma auratum – CB - Mexican Flame Knee
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- Also known as Flame Knee.
- This New World Terrestrial is from Mexico - Found in small scattered colonies along the length of the Sierra Madre del Sur range, south of the Balsas River, in the state of Guerrero & probably Michoacan.
- The adult size averages 6".
- This is a docile species, but does have the capability to kick hair.
- The knees of this Brachy is a fire engine red, hence the name Flame Knee, with white bands on the joints.
braa-kee-PEL-muh au-RAH-tuhm
- This New World Terrestrial is from Mexico - Found in small scattered colonies along the length of the Sierra Madre del Sur range, south of the Balsas River, in the state of Guerrero & probably Michoacan.
- The adult size averages 6".
- This is a docile species, but does have the capability to kick hair.
- The knees of this Brachy is a fire engine red, hence the name Flame Knee, with white bands on the joints.
braa-kee-PEL-muh au-RAH-tuhm