Asbolus mexicanus - WC - Mexican Death Feigning Beetle
per item
*** These are WC and may be imperfect ***
Sold out
- Very communal!
- Have lived up to 15 years in captivity.
- Eat plant and animal debris.
- Rough size = 0.71in to 0.83in.
- They will "play dead" when threatened, laying on their backs with their little legs kicking away...
- Considered great "cleaner beetles" for desert scorpions.
- Have lived up to 15 years in captivity.
- Eat plant and animal debris.
- Rough size = 0.71in to 0.83in.
- They will "play dead" when threatened, laying on their backs with their little legs kicking away...
- Considered great "cleaner beetles" for desert scorpions.